Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dynamics Across Multiple Levels of Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Dynamics Across Multiple Levels of Analysis. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify an existing organizational problem at a given organization. Further, the report will discuss the problem and identify the underlying causes of the problem in relation to the organizational functions under which they fall. Lastly, it will explore the critical underlying cause that is relevant to the virtual business. In entirety, this report will serve as a blueprint not only for the virtual business but also any other businesses since all organizations are bound to experience some problem at some point. Discussion of the Problem The problem that this report will discuss is the rising cases of conflict at the workplace. For the past six (6) months, there has been a steady increase of members of staff quarrelling to the extent of going physical. Originally, the conflicts started from one department but it has escalated to the other teams. This has made it difficult for the organization to achieve its goals owing to the fact that we rely on teamwork to carry out 99% of our work. Workplace conflicts are caused by several factors that emanate from the individual employees and other organizational structures, values and culture (De Dreu Gelfand, 2008). Regardless of the cause, conflicts are a threat to the entire functionality of the organization and should be curbed at the earliest stage possible. Causes of the Problem The fundamental cause of workplace conflict in this context is poor communication between the different levels at the organization (Samatwa, 2011). Most conflicts are seen to emanate from collision of duty. Equally, members have clashed because of inadequate communication regarding reassignment of duty, job placement and transfers (Williams, 2013). This problem is related to the organization function of management and is a show of poor co-ordination by those entrusted with such responsibility. Any re-organization must be communicated in time so that all staffs are aware. Equally, they have to put in place a mutual communication mechanism so that there is no breakdown at any given point The second cause of workplace under consideration is competition. Whereas workplace competition is healthy and beneficial to the organization in terms of improving individual and collective productivity, it can also be to the detriment. However, such competition ought to be within manageable limits. Employees have been fighting for the limited opportunities to demonstrate their ability in anticipation for rewards (Beehr, 2014).The resultant conflict has taken the shape of individualism whereby some employees have resorted to paint others negatively in a bid to outdo them. In the same regard, some employees have become selfish with some company equipment and in the process denying others the chance to do their work. This problem is tied to the controlling function management and it portrays a system that is unable to provide clear and equal avenues for all employees to unleash their potential. As a result of such failure, employees are likely to find it easier to exercise their egos. Thirdly, workplace conflicts have been caused by different values exhibited by different employees. This conflict is common in different teams and departments and is common between younger and older members (Lipsk., et al, 2008). Difference in values as an organizational problem takes different forms. Ideally, the problem emerges when members possess different perspectives when dealing with a common issue. This problem emerges when team members are deliberating for consensus on a given task. Although it is not automatic, sometimes it is common for older and younger employees to hold a different view regarding one issue. When such members fail to manage their differences and respect each others stance, the problem can degenerate into physical or psychological altercations that derail the objectivity and effectiveness of the team (Dillon, 2012). As a conflict, different values are related to the leadership function of the organization. The leadership of the organization ought to projec t such issues earlier and constitute teams with such considerations taken into account. Critical Underlying Cause Based on the identified problems and their respective causes, it is worth noting that all of them are seen to emanate from within the organization. Considering the fact that all employees are taken through a stringent selection and staffing process, it is highly likely that the critical underlying factor in the virtual business is organizational culture (behavior).The conflicts are a result of failure to put in place structures and norms to manage the individual and collective values and interests (Zheng., et al, 2013). For instance, there ought to be defined processes for appraisal, equal reward and teamwork culture to tame extreme and unhealthy competition. References De Dreu, C. K., Gelfand, M. J. (2008). Conflict in the workplace: Sources, functions, and dynamics across multiple levels of analysis. Beehr, T. A. (2014).Psychological stress in the workplace (Psychology revivals). Routledge. Williams, C. (2013).Principles of management. South-Western/Cengage Learning. Zheng, W., Yang, B., McLean, G. N. (2010). Linking organizational culture, structure, strategy, and organizational effectiveness: Mediating role of knowledge management.Journal of Business research,63(7), 763-771. Samatwa, B. (2011). Causes of workplace conflict Dillon, B. L. (2012). Workplace violence: impact, causes, and prevention.Work,42(1), 15-20.

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